Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Domain for Lease

    $500 per year.

  • What is the difference between shoyu and soy sauce?

    Is Shoyu and Soy Sauce the Same? Yes. “Shoyu” is just the Japanese name for “soy sauce”. It’s based on Chinese, “soy yu”, which means “soy sauce”. There are, however, many different types of soy sauce! You don’t realize this unless you live near a Chinese or Vietnamese market, because they tend to carry more…

  • Frontier Co-Op Pinhead Gunpowder Green Tea

    This was pretty inexpensive when I bought it – around $10 – and it had good reviews. I think I got it on Swanson Vitamins, but I think it’s also on Amazon. Overall, not a great tea, but about as good as Chinese supermarket bag tea, and roughly “Lipton” level US supermarket tea. Better than…

  • Takana Riceball


  • Secret Audio Page

  • Where can I purchase a kotatsu?

    Kotatsu is a heater that is installed under a table top; the table’s covered with a blanket, and the system heats your feet. With the coming climate crisis and total social collapse, keeping your toes warm won’t be a priority, but after the collapse, you may want to have one of these, low-energy heating systems.

  • Shopping

    This site doesn’t have ecommerce, but it has lists of businesses that sell specific products, mostly everyday Japanese items that are hard to find. [child-pages]

  • Where can I buy traditional mochi?

    This is a list of businesses that sell komochi, traditional plain, non-sugared, round-shaped mochi. This is used in ozoni, toasted and eaten plain, or with flavorings. Fresh mochi can be eaten fresh, right after being pounded, when it’s warm. Once it’s cooled, it is re-heated in a pan or microwave, to soften the rice. Frozen,…

  • Brown Kingdom: Macy aka Sunset aka Cesar Chavez Ave

    There was this blog, Brown Kingdom, written by Lonewolf, which documented about old LA Chicano gangs. They had an article about the Macy area, but it’s gone now. An archive was up on a site prohibited by Facebook, so I’m pasting it here. Lots of info about the old and new Chinatown areas. This is…

  • White Mold on Umeboshi (is Probably Yeast)

    (I really don’t know where to put this, so I’m putting it on this site, which makes some sense, I suppose.) My mom makes umeboshi, and we have a ume tree, so it’s cheap to do, and tastes good. Lately, we haven’t had good yields, so she used some ume that had fallen, and had…

Got any book recommendations?